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Living near the ocean brings lots of wonderful smells for our canine olfactory senses, so pardon the Frankie Suave Sniff.
We wanted to end our week with some photos of our most regal leader, Mr. Frankie Suave. He can always be counted on to give the most striking poses, so Hu-Dad didn’t see any possible way this could go wrong. Until…
Living on the edge of a salt marsh adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean has many perks. One of those is some delicious smells that waft through the air and distract our canine senses. Please forgive Frankie, but he can’t pose at the moment.
Have a great weekend!
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
that is one GORGEOUS dog! xoxo
Have a great weekend Frankie and enjoy the great smells!!
Frankie put his whole body & soul into that sniff still looking regal!!!
I WONDER what awesome smell(OR SMELLS) Frankie Suave was detecting during that photo session? Have a wonderful weekend all.