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We were minding our own business on our evening walk when our fearless leader pointed out we had to stop and say hello to Big Blue.
One of our walking routes takes us across a wooden walkway over the salt marsh. All sorts of creatures live in the marsh including a couple of birds we see regularly. One of our pals was hanging out there last night.
That’s a great blue heron who hangs out in this spot all of the time. Once Frankie spotted him, Roscoe stuck his head out to say hello. Unfortunately, the heron was unimpressed and turned away much to Roscoe’s disappointment.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Hu-Dad-it seems the Sibes have many interesting creatures to look at where you live. WOULD they like to greet them close up? WE’ll never know!
I love Blue Herons!!! Such beautiful birds!! I’m sorry Big Blue was unimpressed to see you Roscoe buddy ????