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We rise with the sun every day, but some of us are morning dogs and some are decidedly not. We show you an example.
We’re sure few of you are surprised to discover how much Landon loves mornings. Or afternoons. Or evenings. Or pretty much any other time. Boom Boom, after all, is nicknamed that for a reason. But if you look in the background, you will see not every pup shares his excitement.
Frankie Suave is very even keeled, but he doesn’t hide his displeasure for mornings. In fact we think he’s headed back to bed. So we take you back to…
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Frankie I feel like you are my spirit animal!! I hate mornings!!
Frankie “speaks” for me. They hold mornings way too early!
With our 2 we have a Boom Boom morning puppy and a Frankie Suave not so much! Thanks for sharing and Max and Maya love hearing about their cousins down south!
I love his happy energy ????????????????
I absolutely LOVE Boom Boom’s zest for life-I too am a morning person BUT I agree with Deborah that the quarantine has messed up my days(and rising times) too.
I’m with Frankie! However, it is nice to see Landon’s zest for life. I’m definitely not a morning person but the quarantine has me all messed up. It’s nice to wake up early (for me) and find The Thundering Herd post here to brighten a rainy morning.
LOL!!! I was always one of those boom boom morning lovers!
luckily I was married to another morning lover even if he was a little less flighty about it. now with age I’ve become more like Frankie Suave. it has it’s pleasures too. I love these pictures! but then I love your WHOLE blog! xo