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Big Brother Frankie Suave spied his chance to have some alone time, but, when challenged, he demonstrated the big bro skill of turning the tables.

When you are the big bro to three mischievous brothers (and one older instigating sister), alone time is a very precious thing. Frankie has claimed one of the couches in the den (Cheoah has the other), but outside his preferred spot is on top of the picnic table. When he spotted that it was empty yesterday, he took off running for it.

He jumped on top of the table, spun around a few times in sheer delight, and prepared to settle down for a quiet nap on a snow covered table. However, our hero is about to be bothered by Little Brother Boom Boom entering from the lower left.

With a wag of his fluffy tail and lots of wooing, Landon asked over and over the eternal little brother questions. “What are you doing? Why are you doing it? Can I do it too?” And, like all big brothers, Frankie had an answer for his little brother.

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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
From: Sabo the German Shepherd Attorney at Paw
Subject: rest area
Hu-Dad, I have been contacted by my clients the Sibe Tribe with regard to adequate rest areas in the out door area. After a meeting with my clients via Ipaw, we have concluded that in order that there be equitable rest areas an additional picnic table is warranted. As you can see with limited resting area there is the possibility of disunity within the tribe which is not acceptable as they must work together in order to keep Hu-dad mentally and physically fit. So this request is not a selfish one, but one base on the benevolence of the tribe for the care and upkeep of their humans.
We look forward to your prompt completion of our request.
Sabo the German Shepherd, Attorney at Paw
Good one Sabo!
Thank you.. I try to protect my clients rights
Sabo the German Shepherd
Attorney at Paw
Nice to see Frankie. He’s been layin’ low lately.
Don’t blame you Frankie Suave-alone time CAN be precious although on top of a snowy picnic table doesn’t sound fun to me. BUT you are a Sibe and I guess it’s great for you. I LOVE the last picture and the SCRAM to Landon and Cheoah!!! Then I guess you settled down for a NICE nap!