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Each one of us believes we are the best at getting Hu-Dad to do what we want, but sometimes we have discussion over who is laying claim at the moment.
We outnumber the Hu-Dad, but sometimes the discussion isn’t whether we are going to win but which one of us is going to win. Such was the case the other day when both Landon and Roscoe wanted his attention at the same time.
Don’t worry, though, the boys decided to share his attention as long as he was paying attention to them and not some kind of busyness work.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom ‘n Ebby both say: Now this is true, unconditional SiberLove!
So sorry I missed this post yesterday BUT had to comment. I just LOVE the way the boys LOVE their Hu-Dad and I too bet he sometimes wishes he had more hands and maybe even more legs for them to lay their heads on!
How does Hu-dad ever get his busyness work done with such sweet diversions?
Hi-dad isn’t at these moments that you sort of wish you had extra hands
Precious ????????
Awwww. You’re so loved.
warms my heart! xo
…the Sweetest Things????