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Cheoah’s serious walk last night was interrupted by a clown in Siberian Husky fur, also known as His Haughtiness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey.
Walks are serious business here at Chez Herd. We must head out every evening for a stroll before we head to bed. And Landon will squeak loudly if the walk is delayed for any reason. By how does that explain the behavior of our class clown?
Yes, our resident red head might be focused on her stroll, but her little brother has decided to create yet another game. We guess walking backward just wasn’t enough.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
I think Typhoon is trying to lighten the mood. He knows that the humans in his Herd are still grieving Q tip. So see…he’s really very intelligent???? My little pack hopes your Herd stays safe and dry. Yes, even you little Prince Clown!????
I think Rusty is guiding you from the Rainbow Bridge.
You have to be real talented because if one of my dogs did that to me, I would be tripping either over myself or over the dog. But I guess you have been doing it for awhile now, so that it has become second nature to your walks. Haha.
Typhoon you have more and more additions to your name! Typhoon Phooey Little Prince His Hautiness Pack Clown… phew ????I’m running out of space ????????
Too funny. That’ll slow you down a bit. 😉
That picture is hilarious!!
Cheoah is so focused,
and the little bro is so mischievous!!! Great pic!!
I don’t know Typhoon-are you being even MORE of a clown the last few days-maybe because of that GIRLIE pink bandage??? A walk is serious business you know!