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Hu-Dad has to be quite creative placing the drop line in campsites, but Frankie Suave can be even more creative claiming the coolest campsite spot.
When we are traveling in our S-RV (Siberian Recreational Vehicle), Hu-Dad sets up the drop line so that we can enjoy quiet time in the campsite. Since a drop line restricts our movement, we have to be creative in choosing where to nap while on the line.
Frankie Suave has always been a master at carving out the best situation and he outdid himself this weekend. He was able to move under the picnic table for the ultimate camping cave. The others, as you can imagine, were quite jealous.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Roughin’ it is rough. Always happy to get back home I’ll bet.
Sabo The German Shepherd Attorney At Paw plans to file an Amicus Brief in favor of the action of the HCLU
I second that motion HCLU! ????
Pursuant to the complaint lodged earlier…we at the Huskies Civil Liberties Union are filing a motion to move Cheesewhiz to an area where she can also have a table…otherwise we will have to file for monetary damages in the amount of no less than at least 20 liver snacks a day and the cost of a portable pikanik table to permanently accompany her on all future excursions. The complainant and ourselves give you 1 day to reply.
Thank You
Huskies Civil Liberties Union.