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With spring in the air, Hu-Dad is vigilant about chasing all of the bunnies out of the yard before we are released, leaving Typhoon to wonder where did all the rabbits go?
You would think that the rabbits would quickly scatter when Hu-Dad warns them of the pending entry of the canines, but no. Just the other night, Hu- Dad was clapping and yelling at a rabbit to move along, and it just refused. The funniest part was when Hu-Dad tossed a small twig at the rabbit to get it moving, and the twig bounced off of the rabbits head. Did the rabbit run? Nope, he turned and glared at Hu-Dad.
After a little more convincing, the rabbit finally decided to yield the yard to us. Typhoon, though, is still hoping for an oversight so he can score his first rabbit of the season.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
My cat loves to stalk bunnies. She’s never attacked one, she just enjoys stalking.
And those bunnies get through the smallest spaces.
Sometimes I wonder why the rabbits come into a yard with dogs? Our boy Bradley has “scored” many over the years and I bet Typhoon has as well!!!!! Have fun!
Aw Typhoon those poor bunnies just need some yummy food ????