Picket Line Entertainment & Games

When we are hanging out in our campsite during S-RV travels, our picket line entertainment sometimes includes things that make Hu-Dad groan.

Just a little dirt, Hu-Dad.

Just a little dirt, Hu-Dad.

A picket line is a cable stretched between two points with pickets or drops (which it is also called a drop line) spaced along the cable. Think of it as a giant tie out for multiple dogs. This way, we can enjoy being outdoors in our campsite without running off to chase squirrels.

Yes, Hu-Dad’s camping rules for us includes no chasing of squirrels, or singing on the picket line, or otherwise bothering our camping neighbors. So, if we can’t do those fun things, then we need to create our own entertainment.

Sand art is a form of picket line entertainment.

Sand art is a form of picket line entertainment.

Miss Kiska demonstrates one of our favorite tactics – creating art on the ground. Moving some dirt can be quite therapeutic. Of course, some of us might get into our art a little more than others.

Art can be messy,

Art can be messy,


  1. Annie on January 23, 2018 at 9:58 am

    How do you get your herd to not sing or talk bc I know mine never be quiet unless they’re asleep

    • The Thundering Herd on January 23, 2018 at 10:09 am

      Control the Choir Mistress. Miss Kiska is in charge of song time, so if Hu-Dad can prevent Kiska from singing, then he can prevent the Herd from singing. That leads to some interesting exchanges in the campsite where Hu-Dad is saying, “Kiska, don’t you do it” while Kiska has her lips pursed to hit the opening note.

  2. Lori on January 23, 2018 at 7:10 am

    Of course the only white Sibe love the dirt most ????????

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