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What Siberian Husky can resist the opportunity to wriggle in the snow?
Our Little Prince, Typhoon Phooey, thought he was safe from prying eyes and had no idea that the camera was following him. With total abandon, he threw himself into a pile of snow in a moment of sheer pleasure. We hope you enjoy this week’s Film Friday.
You may have noticed that this week’s video is being served by Vimeo rather than YouTube. We are trying to decide how to react to some recent changes announced by YouTube (see Hu-Dad’s thoughts over on his website) and are considering moving all of our videos to a different service. If you have any feedback, please leave it in the comments so that we can understand what works for our readers.
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Lost in Fur: Tech Gone Wrong
March 21, 2025
Smart tech meets shedding chaos. My newest robovac takes on four Siberian Huskies—only to get hilariously lost in an avalanche of fur.
What a cute video of your Little Prince. Our Millie loves to dive into fresh snow.
I’ve always used Vimeo and like it because it doesn’t put ads over top of your videos. I don’t do enough videos to ever think about monetizing so I’ve never thought about using YouTube. Also I am using the “Plus” level which is $84 per year so I don’t have to worry about my file size.
The video worked fine on both my work pc and my iPhone – unlike UTube which frequently ends up trying to fight with various firewalls. And it didn’t autostart or skip anything.
Meila, the short-haired, long-legged pup, likes best to roll in the snow when I put her coat on. Go figure.
Typhoon never fails to entertain. I’ve long preferred Vimeo over utube (aka g()()gle,) for many concerning reasons.
I had no problems with the video. Always enjoy the herd’s antics. I have to say that whenever I see that spinning logo at the beginning of your video’s the theme from the old Batman tv series runs thru my head. I know, I’m weird. Lol!
The video did not start right away for me and I am viewing the blog through iOS on my iPhone.
Whatever you decide to do, I will follow. I love watching the antics of your crew as it has helped with the loss of Sage, my husky. Keep up the good work.
When you open the post the video starts, so unlike utube where you read the blog then hit the arrow this video started right away, I played it twice, which I normally do because I like them, I realized I had missed the opening portion of the video where the prince was on the porch going into the yard, I do like how it is part of the blog you don’t have to leave to go to utube but you could miss parts if you don’t watch it first before you read the introduction
I just hate to miss any of our video time with the side tribe
Hmmm, thanks for the feedback. Interestingly, we do not have it set for autoplay and can’t recreate that. Tried in both Apple and Windows environments on a number of different browsers – all of them waited on us to start the video. Can you let us know which browser you are using?
Note – And anyone else, if you see the video starting automatically, can you also let us know?
I am on my iPad I just opened it again and the same thing happened I checked my settings and all of my auto play settings are turned off. Now after reading comments I went and watched on my windows computer and I had the same result everyone else did I had to push the arrow to play. Now I will tell you that Apple just updated with a new patch on Wednesday and after I get updates loads of weird things seem to happen on my iPad so this may be a result of that I don’t know. Either way I will follow faithfully no matter which you choose
This is adorable!!! I loved your comments regarding YouTube… Vimeo seems pretty awesome!
No problem at all with Vimeo! Your response to YouTube was spot on.
Great video of the little Prince. His hair still has not grown back ?
No, and much to his annoyance, Hu-Dad rubs his bare belly.
It makes me SO happy to this special furbaby ENJOY the snow like that! PURE pleasure-wow.