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Early morning is a great time to watch the sun rising in the east as we dogs are waking for our daily adventures around Chez herd.
The cold, clear air gives us great long-range views this time of year. The view above is what we see from the house. The morning frost that clings to the branches of the trees is known as a hoar frost and it makes the mountains glisten in the early morning sun.
Yesterday morning was beautiful with sunny skies. The sun feels great on frosty cold mornings, so we like to hang out in the yard in the early morning quiet. Soon enough, the Siberian games will break out.
Movie Memory Monday
This week’s Movie Memory Monday is from 2009 and shows us doing a little Fur Wheeling. No, no, not four wheeling in the Jeep. This is The Herd itself doing some Fur Wheeling.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Love the quiet, beautiful, crisp mornings… ❤️
Beautiful view!