The Calendar Marches On For Everyone

We provide a certain supplement to every dog of a certain age. Guess who just discovered the calendar marches on for them?

There will be no jokes about my age.

There will be no jokes about my age.

As many of you know, Hu-Dad had the grand opportunity of having two dogs recovering from TPLO surgery at the same time. First, Natasha tore her cranial cruciate ligament (CCL, much like the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) in humans). Just three weeks later, Cheoah tore her CCL. Hu-Dad had two dogs on crate rest in his study while he tried to work.

One of the changes we made at that time was to add a supplement, Synovi G4 (note – Amazon Affiliate Link) to our diet once a dog turns 6 years old.

I can't be six years old.

I can’t be six years old.

Believe it or not, Typhoon has now been living at Chez Herd for five years. Since he was roughly a year old when he arrived, that makes him six years old. Don’t worry, though, when Hu-Dad asked Typhoon if he planned to start acting mature any time soon, the Little Prince just laughed.

Running away from maturity.

Running away from maturity.

** NOTE – The product link above is an Amazon Affiliate Link. If you click it and make a purchase, Amazon pays us a small commission that has no impact on your price. We ALWAYS disclose any business relationship we have with any product we mention and never let that relationship affect what we say.


  1. KJ Pierson on January 5, 2018 at 9:15 am

    God I remember when both he and Frankie were at the rescue. Time does fly! That makes my Leena 6 as well (which I’ve had a hard time remembering lately as well!) He certainly hasn’t slowed down!

    • The Thundering Herd on January 5, 2018 at 9:24 am

      Frankie came to live here in October of 2011 – over six years ago. Wow!

  2. Jane on January 4, 2018 at 8:54 pm

    Happy Birthday Typhoon Phooey. Next year he will be a senior. Shhh don’t tell him. I’m sure that will make him mad. Hugs and kisses to the herd. A great big hug and kiss to Ty.

  3. Juno's mom on January 4, 2018 at 10:48 am

    I really like Typhoon’s attitude!
    I read about the supplement and saw that there is a warning about its use with diabetes, which my Juno has. I research everything and thought it would be good to mention in case anyone has a similar condition with their dog. There are some other condition warnings listed also. Sometimes people buy things without checking them out first. Here’s a link to the page where I found the information, ( It does look like a good product though. I hope it’s ok to post this.

    • The Thundering Herd on January 4, 2018 at 11:08 am

      Of course it is ok to share. We know that no product is the right answer for everyone and think the more informed a consumer is, the better choices they can make.

  4. Edie Chase on January 4, 2018 at 8:49 am

    I remember when you got Typhoon, I can’t believe it’s been 5 + years that I have been reading your blog.
    Typhoon, my motto is, “I may be getting older but I refuse to grow up”. 😉

  5. Hokie Pack on January 4, 2018 at 7:16 am

    Love the first picture such a Sibe look!

  6. Lori on January 4, 2018 at 7:09 am

    Happy Birthday Typhoon!! You’re such a handsome 6 year old ????

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