Somepup Engrossed In Television

Cheesewhiz seemed to be enjoying the entertainment last night as she was so engrossed in television that she ignored the photographer.

Shhhh - This is the good part.

Shhhh – This is the good part.

For the most part, we ignore whatever is on television. Sure if a dog barks, or a siren sounds, or any sort of wildlife trumpets, we might search for the sound, but the screen itself is fairly boring. For some reason, though, Cheoah found it quite enticing last night.

You are blocking my view.

You are blocking my view.

Of course, it might have been a giant excuse. Hu-Dad was asking for a little cooperation in a photoshoot, so this may have been her resistance to having to work a little. And Hu-Dad cheated by using the photos he captured for today’s blog post.

I will not even pay attention if you lie on the ground below me.

I will not even pay attention if you lie on the ground below me.


  1. Laura Yager on January 2, 2018 at 3:18 am

    Hu dad only watches Huskie TV- live everyday. Or at least that’s what the Herd says. We don’t like GOT in our house. Our human mom says too many humans get Huskies because GOT. Then the humans realize that we’re work, and our friends get abandoned. Adopt one of our friends…it will be work, but mom says we’re worth it.
    Siniy and Bolt

  2. Dennis the Vizsla on December 31, 2017 at 4:06 pm

    hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog hay my dada sez must hav ben game of thrones it is like he is obsessd with that show or sumthing!!! he is just a bit beehind the times sinse he had to wayt for them to all be owt on disc befor he cud see them!!! happy noo yeer to all of yoo!!! ok bye

    • The Thundering Herd on January 1, 2018 at 7:25 am

      Behind? Our Hu-Dad has never seen a single episode of Game of Thrones. Or virtually anything else.

  3. Deidre on December 30, 2017 at 12:26 pm

    Oh my you need to reprimand your subjects Cheoah!!

  4. Juno's mom on December 30, 2017 at 12:18 pm

    Was she watching Animal Planet? 😉

  5. Lori on December 30, 2017 at 8:39 am

    You’re too cute to not photograph Cheoah!!!

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