Our Haughty Little Prince

Why does the Hu-Dad refer to Typhoon Phooey as our haughty Little Prince? Perhaps a few photographs and facts will explain.

Giving Hu-Dad the cold shoulder.

Giving Hu-Dad the cold shoulder.

Typhoon has long been the obstinate wonder in a breed known for obstinance. He doesn’t pretend not to hear commands from the Hu-Dad; he just flat-out refuses the orders. The photograph above was taken just after the Hu-Dad called for Typhoon to come inside. The reply was classic Typhoon.

Little Ty also has a long streak of shredding papers found in the Hu-Dad’s study. Just yesterday, Hu-Dad spotted him mid-shred and ordered him to drop it. Typhoon’s response was to shred faster before the paper could be removed from his shredding jaws.

Still not talking to you.

Still not talking to you.

Ty also has an aversion to being touched. By a brush. By a human hand. He starts each evening on the human bed, but leaves in a huff just as soon as a human gets into the bed. Long sighs are muttered from his position of the floor.

But, weirdly, he will also demand attention at the most inopportune times. Any attempt to ignore him will be met with a swat of his paw and vocal protests of the unfairness of it all.

Which has led the Hu-Dad to conclude that maybe Typhoon isn’t haughty. Maybe he is really a cat.

You will pay for that joke, human.

You will pay for that joke, human.

Our final Throwback Thursday video of 2016! Since everyone is in the depth of winter, we thought we would travel to . . . the beach! A nice, quiet, peaceful walk down the beach . . . with Typhoon doing his own thing.

Tomorrow is Film Friday. Don’t forget to go to our YouTube channel and subscribe so you never miss a new video!


  1. KJ Pierson on December 29, 2017 at 11:15 pm

    I’ve said the same thing about all huskies. They are very much cat like at times. Pay attention to me…DONT TOUCH ME, YOU ARE NOT NEEEDED FILTHY HUMAN.

  2. Laura on December 28, 2017 at 2:12 pm

    Ok, in describing your Prince Typhoon, you just described BOTH my Huskies. Cat like- yes. Shredding- definitely. The selective hearing- check. When adding this up, one may wonder why anyone would have such an animal. All things considered, when a Husky loves it’s humans, it loves completely. Nothing better than a fluffy butt on your feet, or curled up next to you. The love these crazy difficult dogs give back, is more than enough….

  3. Juno's mom on December 28, 2017 at 10:57 am

    My cat Simon comes when I call him, but not Juno…. nooooo way. Typhoon is classic husky alright.

  4. Khumbu on December 28, 2017 at 8:39 am

    BOL a cat!!! Oh boy you are in trouble now.

    Khumbu ¬ co

  5. Lori on December 28, 2017 at 6:41 am

    What a character you are Typhoon ????❤️

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