Supervising Christmas Dinner Preparation

Hu-Dad busily prepared a Christmas Dinner under the careful supervision of Chef Cheesewhiz, who objected often and loudly.

I need to sample the cheese.
I need to sample the cheese.

Our Hu-Dad has never been known for his traditional culinary celebrations of the holidays, especially since he can claim many years of Thanksgiving dinner involving shrimp. In line with that non-traditional tradition, he was busily preparing a lasagna – because nothing says Christmas like a giant pan of lasagna.

That tomato sauce really needs sampling by the chef.
That tomato sauce really needs sampling by the chef.

One kitchen tradition remained quite solid – Cheoah remained underfoot at all times. Just in case somepup needed to clean up a mess on the floor – even one caused by tripping over said pup.

Harumph - no messes!
Harumph – no messes!

We wish all of our readers the Merriest of Christmases (and, if you celebrate something else, the Happiest of Holiday Seasons). We hope you enjoy good friends, good family, and good food.


  1. Beverly Elliott on December 8, 2021 at 10:48 am

    Cheoah was a real beauty, but, then, aren’t all Sibes … and especially Reds?

  2. Jean Burkhardt on December 8, 2021 at 10:28 am

    Cheoah Was a Queen for sure BUT she does look angry that there were NO messes to clean up! LOVE seeing the Sibes that were part of the Original Herd!

  3. Ann Foose on December 8, 2021 at 9:13 am

    She was always one of my favorites, with her red fur, terracotta nose and amber eyes. Thanks for the lovely memories.A

  4. Debbie & Miss Ruby on December 8, 2021 at 8:10 am

    She was a beautiful girl. Ruby agrees “Anything mom drops is mine”.

  5. Khumbu on December 28, 2017 at 8:37 am

    Merry Christmas to you all. Your humans are like ours, they don’t do traditional either!

    Christmas wooos
    Khumbu & co

  6. Ann Foose on December 25, 2017 at 12:51 pm

    Merry Christmas to all, husky and human. I will celebrate Christmas with my mom and Boxing Day with the corgis. We will have roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, but lasagna sounds yummy, too!

  7. Marty on December 25, 2017 at 12:39 pm

    Merry Christmas. I love reading these every morning. It brings joy to my heart. I have a friend the rescues Siberian Huskies here in the Rogue Valley. Your stories, as I read them, are quite familiar. Lol

  8. DJ, Cierra & Maggie on December 25, 2017 at 11:26 am

    Merry Christmas to the Herd and their Hu-mans!

  9. Marilyn and Chessie on December 25, 2017 at 10:58 am

    Lasagne! I’m making that too! Merry Christmas!

  10. Zoe on December 25, 2017 at 10:42 am

    Merry Christmas to you all may the day be filled with love, joy, and lots of treats

  11. Juno's mom on December 25, 2017 at 10:39 am

    Wishing you all a lovely day.

  12. Jane on December 25, 2017 at 10:25 am

    Merry Christmas to you and all of your family and the herd.

  13. Lori on December 25, 2017 at 8:45 am

    We wish a very Merry Christmas to all of you at Chez Herd!!!!!!

  14. Edie Chase on December 25, 2017 at 7:50 am

    Merry Christmas!

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An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.

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