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Frankie Suave was quietly curled up in the corner of Hu-Dad’s study when he suddenly found his comfort interrupted by the puparazzi.
The blanket in the corner of the study is coveted. Much of the day, Cheoah has it claimed, but if she heads to the den for her couch, Frankie Suave claims it. He had fluffed it appropriately (for his taste), curled up, and was fast asleep. And then . . . CLICK.
Yes, Hu-Dad broke out his camera to capture some images of Frankie for our daily blog. But Frankie gets his nickname for his even-keeled attitude where he lets very little bother him. (Well, except thunder, jets, and other loud noises).
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
He takes it all in stride, pro that he is.
Aww Frankie you’re just precious!
Mom sez: Awww, poor Frankie! (Still my favourite Herd member). Can’t a guy get any peace around here?