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Yes, we know we are a day late. Hu-Dad is terrible about remembering the exact date of any key anniversary – canine or human.
A year ago yesterday, five of us rode in the Jeep on a day long excursion east of Raleigh and picked up the one and only Landon to come back home. Yes, yesterday was Landon’s First Gotchaversary. And he celebrated it in the most canine way possible.
When Hu-Dad received the reminder for Landon’s annual vet appointment, his first reaction was that the date was wrong. But, after checking the calendar, he just realized how fast the year has flown. So celebrate, Boom Boom!
P.S. – All vet checks looked good yesterday. We will get lab results back on his blood soon, but don’t expect any issues.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Happy Gotcha Day!!!! aaaarrrroooo!
Happy belated Gotcha Day! This calls for treats!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher
Hoorah! But treats would probably be more acceptable!!
Happy Gotcha Day, Boom Boom!!!
Happy Gotcha Day Landon sweetie!!! You guys really know how throw a Gotchaversary party!! ????