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Hu-dad had lots of busy-ness for a Monday and ended up working late into the evening, which delayed our all important bedtime.
Keeping Hu-Dad on schedule is one of our most important tasks. The most critical part, of course, is making sure that meals are delivered timely – and, boy, does he need reminders for that! But we are also big believers in a punctual bedtime, so his late schedule sometimes requires great sighs of exasperation from us as a “gentle” reminder. Not sure this one worked because he took pictures and posted them for you to see – which meant an even greater delay!
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom ‘n Ebby BOTH say: “Yes, hu-Dad, we have a routine, don’t you know? And routines MUST be adhered to. Get with the program — after all, it was YOUR program to start with!”
Don’t they just start woo wooing at you? That’s what I get when I’m not doing what I’m ‘supposed’ to. ;))
Of course. Makes it harder to work.
Yes Izzy the Akita is very punctual about our bedtime schedule also. It’s a good thing we have you pups to supervise our schedules !!