Appreciating Camping Benefits

Even in a short weekend trip like we took, Hu-Dad says he really appreciates the camping benefits of taking us out in the S-RV.

Frankie plans to nap for a while.

Frankie plans to nap for a while.

During a camping trip, we take lots of walks (something about a Tired Sibe is a Good Sibe) and get to meet lots of people. The result is that we are quite tired at the end of the day. And, no, not just Frankie. Even the Little Prince, the Master of Mischief, exhausted his energy.

Stop taking pictures so I can nap.

Stop taking pictures so I can nap.

Just like they say on TV, 5 out of 6 dogs agree – camping can wear a dog out. Oh, and why isn’t that 6 out of 6?

Who's ready to go again?

Who’s ready to go again?


  1. Laura Yager on September 24, 2017 at 2:16 pm

    I’m not sure you’ll ever find something to wear Landon out! He’s the youngest pup, and has years to go before he slows down. I see it both ways; it’s nice to have a worn out Husky, but a Husky that’s too quiet is unusual, and can be a symptom. Our female is only 4, and was diagnosed with Hypothyroid. She stopped wanting to play, and almost doubled her body weight. So, while a worn out Sibe is a good Sibe, beware of a Fluff butt who’s too tired. Congrats on a successful first trip!

  2. Lori on September 24, 2017 at 7:54 am

    Boom Boom, I wish I had even just an inkling of your energy!!

    • Juno's mom on September 24, 2017 at 12:06 pm

      I second that!

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