Frankie’s Pesky Little Brother

All older siblings understand Frankie’s challenge with his pesky little brother and might even recognize this scene from our Sunday night.

Frankie just minding his own business while watching rabbits.

Frankie just minding his own business while watching rabbits.

Frankie, of course, has two little brothers – Landon and Typhoon. You might think that today’s post is about the youngest brother, Landon, who always follows just a few inches behind his adored big brother. While Landon might be a little underfoot (underpaw?) at times, he is rarely much of a nuisance.

But the other one?

But the other one?

Typhoon, on the otherhand (otherpaw), might be a wee bit more uppity. How many have photographs of you with a sibling in the background like this?

Is he making faces behind my back again?

Is he making faces behind my back again?


  1. KJ Pierson on August 14, 2017 at 10:09 am

    The pairing of both of their looks combined is priceless in that pic! Makes me want to print it!

  2. Laura Yager on August 14, 2017 at 9:26 am

    Oh Frankie, I have the same thing with my little Herd. Our older Husky Siniy (See-n-nay, Russian translation of blue), has daily struggles with her little brother Bolt. He pesters, provokes and pokes her all day. Inserting his cold nose into every business she has. Yet, at the end of the day, they snuggle up, becoming inseperable. Stay patient Frankie. Your little brother really does adore you. I’d keep watching your back though!????

  3. All Things Collie on August 14, 2017 at 9:09 am

    I have a collie, named Sophie, who I absolutely adore. She is awkward, but tries so hard to snuggle, that I don’t have the heart to reprimand her for all the bruises she inflicts on me during her attempts at daily cuddle sessions. But she also photobombs all the other collies, because she just wants to be included.

  4. Andrea on August 14, 2017 at 8:34 am

    HAHAHAHAHA!! Your commentary was spot-on… or should I say “paw-on”. 🙂 Have a great week and thank you for the best way to start it! ~Andrea

  5. Lori on August 14, 2017 at 6:49 am

    Thanks for my morning smile and laugh!! What a great capture of Typhoon and that look on his face ????????

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