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Rabbits have been cleared from Sibe Quentin, so that leaves our Little Prince prancing through Sibe Quentin in celebration.
Typhoon has long reigned as the fastest member of The Herd. In addition to his pure sprinting speed, he has amazing footwork allowing him to twist and turn with incredible quickness. Unfortunately for our rabbit population, he has the fancy footwork to outmaneuver any rabbit unfortunate enough to wander inside Sibe Quentin.
With Typhoon’s hunting prowess well known, Hu-Dad inspects the yard thoroughly before releasing the Little Prince. Ever hopeful, Typhoon darts from corner to corner, hoping that some unwise bunny has hidden. With another fruitless search complete, Typhoon races back to the deck to nap before another hunting expedition.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
He is a very pretty pup, hopefully it’s cooler where you are, it’s too hot for the collies to run today. They are all just trying to stay cool.
He is looking great! 5 lbs on him now?
Last weigh-in was June 5 and he registered 44.2 pounds, just over 5 pound gain. I plan to weigh him again Wednesday.
Yay Typhoon and your need for speed kept Sibe Quentin rabbity free!!
You’re such a handsome boy, TyTy.