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Flying sometimes means someone is running quickly. And, sometimes, someone is soaring through the air without paws touching the ground.
Poor Frankie has quite the challenging job keeping his two little brothers in line.Typhoon is just fast. Chasing rabbits through the yard, twisting and turning fast.Nothing can match his incredible speed.
Typhoon is just fast. Chasing rabbits through the yard, twisting and turning fast.Nothing can match his incredible speed.
Landon is not quite as fast on his paws, but he defies gravity much of the time. He bounces and springs around the yard with some incredible flight patterns. As they say, pictures are worth a 1,000 words, so let’s see the photos from yesterday afternoon.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom ‘n Ebby say: That Landon is absolutely incredible! Ebby says she’d just LOVE to have him to run with!
I love to watch a Siberian soar!
Reminds me of a white-tailed deer and not just for the white tail.
The Hu-dad needs to Photoshop a super dog costume on Landon.
You look like a big fluffy Siberian bird flying through the air, Landon ????????????????