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Hu-Dad spent a quiet, peaceful evening sitting on the back deck, camera in hand and shooting pictures. He should have been tracking inbound flights.
As Hu-Dad was aiming his camera, he focused on Boom Boom. Unfortunately, at the exact same moment, Boom Boom focused on Hu-Dad. Hu-Dad, sitting all alone. No dog vying for attention. There was really only one thing that a Boom Boom could do.
The next moments are a blur for the Hu-Dad, but he did hold the camera steady for one last shot.
P.S. – Happy Valentines Day to all of our readers! We hope it is an awesome day.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Terrific picture of Boom Boom, one can tell he is very happy with his new family.
He is so concerned that you are alone and so happy to have you to himself. Great photos. Happy Valentine’s Day to the Herd and their hu-man staff. Thanks for always making me smile.
Happy Valentine’s day to all of the Herd! I had been wondering about the Valentine’s fundraiser for a while now. It usually starts in January. Lots of love!
Glad you held on for that last shot, it is a perfect shot of Boom Boom! Glorious!
Happy Valentine’s Day to The Herd! Just realized there wasn’t a Valentine contest / fundraiser this year 🙁
Happy Valentine’s Day to the herd!! I hope that you celebrate in style. What a great shot of Landon!
Wow. Those are great pictures. Especially that last one. Could you just imagine if it was video recorded? That would have made a great video for video Friday. I’m sure the last minutes of it would have not been in focus, but it sure would have been funny. Hugs and kisses to the herd.