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Thanksgiving Day includes a big meal, so people across the nation napped in a post-meal tradition. Cheoah was right there with everyone as she napped on the human bed. Unfortunately, when choir practice started, she turned in a half-hearted performance – as you can see on this week’s Film Friday.
Performances for the Sibernacle Choir tend to be robust and energetic. Choirmistress Kiska expects everyone to be on their paws singing with enthusiasm. Cheoah, however, just could not bring herself to leave the warm, comfortable human bed to join the others. The result was a somewhat lackluster performance.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
She did pretty well!
Humming is good Cheoah!! It adds to the rest of the voice in the choir! And let me just say how I love your silent howl!!!very impressive sweetie!
Oh Hu-dad, I think you missed the point, if I remember correctly Hu-dad discourages singing in the bedroom, especially at night, she wasn’t being lazy, she was trying to participate while at the same time respecting Hu-dad’s rules about singing in the bedroom. She was being exceptionally clever and respectful.
Bravo Cheese Wiz on a remarkable display of participation without upsetting her Hu-mans.
The Walsh Herc
Sabo the German Shepherd
Jasmine the Lab
Delola the German Shepherd
Athena the English Mastiff
And their human servants