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We want to take today’s post to wish all of our USA readers a very Happy Thanksgiving 2016 (and everyone else an awesome day). We have so much to be thankful for here at Chez Herd and are looking forward to enjoying this special day as a family.
Uh, sorry, Typhoon, but you have the wrong holiday. You are thinking about Christmas. There are no presents for Thanksgiving. Just time to reflect on all that we have and to be thankful for that.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Typhoon, there ARE presents…dont let the humans lie to you. The presents are bounties of delicious and glorious food! Dont let them hog it all!
Happy Thanksgiving to the Herd and their humans from Krystal the Schneagle and her human!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all, both two and four legged and your extended family.
Poor Typhoon! Christmas will be here soon, have no fear! Happy Thanksgiving to the hu-dad and the Herd!
I am thankful for the Herd’s ability to make me smile every single day. Have a gorgeous day, all of you!
And Landon, no stealing dessert.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks, Randi and Chloe wish your pack and Hu-Dad a Happy Thanksgiving….
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you at Chez Herd!!! May it be a wonderful day of family and friends and extra treats ❤️❤️❤️
Mom sez: We had our Thanksgiving on the second Monday in October, so now Ebby is waiting for Christmas. Wishing the Herd (and the hu-Dad) a great Thanksgiving weekend, with lots of (forbidden) treats for Thanksgiving Dinner.