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We had a blast yesterday at Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation 11th Annual Downtown Dog Walk but we were hot tired dogs when it was over.
Because of the heat in the summer, we tend to stay at the house and other higher elevation areas and not venture into the valleys very often. The temperature can easily change by 10-15 degrees Farenheight just by dropping into the valley below us. However, we have been going to Sarge’s Dog Walk since its inception and would not think of missing it.
All six of us attended, but the senior team opted out of walking. They hung out in our limo (aka, the Jeep) and greeted fans, while the junior team marched in the parade. Once we went back to the house, the only sound was snoring. Even the littlest member of The Herd looked tired.
Hu-Dad has lots of video and photographs from the parade, so he will be sharing that very soon.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
So sweet
Mom sez: WoW, even Typhoon looks “bushed”! Must’ve really had a workout!
What a great day for the herd!!! I hope you all had sweet dreams afterward!