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Kiska takes her role as Chief of Security very seriously, but she says never miss out on the good stuff just because of work. What a great life lesson for the rest of us to heed – work hard but never forget to play hard, too.
Kiska patrols the perimeter of Sibe Quentin several times each day. Nothing moves outside of the perimeter without her careful scrutiny. Her current nemesis is a murder of crows that squawks loudly just beyond the fence. She regularly informs them of the need for quiet.
In addition to security tasks, Kiska heads the Fun Police, yelling at youngsters who make too much noise (similar issue as the crows). When not patrolling, she commands watch duty from her vantage point on the deck. You never know when an intruder, a squawking crow or a rambunctious youngster needs a yelling. Few things warrant interrupting the critical enforcement operation.
Even the serious Kiska makes exceptions to work rules, though. One of her favorite distractions can only be performed best by the Hu-Dad, so when she saw him on the deck, she had to deviate from her schedule. After all, security can wait a few moments for a little relaxing activity.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
I adore sweet Kiska!
Love is the best reward for a job well done.
What a beautiful smile Kiska????
Sweet Kiska!
That is the best smile in the world