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Yesterday, we showed you how persistent Typhoon can be when he wants to play. Today, he continues his Typhoon Dance for attention.
Play bowing might be fairly common, but how about play flying? No, really, Typhoon can perform amazing pirouettes high in the sky when he wants something. And he often wants something.
He bucks, twists, spins and flies until someone agrees to his game of the moment. Unfortunately, as today’s video shows, those games do not always goes the way he plans. Not that he really minds. A game lost is better than a game not played. And so enjoy today’s Film Friday – the Typhoon Dance:
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom sez: I guess my biggest question is, how do Cheoah and Frankie manage to watch Ty’s silly antics without even moving a muscle, or blinking an eye?!
Typhoon just won’t take no for an answer, will he! Such a funny boy.
She was so polite, allowed him to gather himself and stand back up before reapplying the chomp.
I really want to pluck those tufts of fur sticking out of his sides. Silly pooch.
And dear Frankie never flinched a muscle throughout the dance!