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As role models for proper decorum, we thought we would dedicate today’s post to exhibiting excellent business etiquette in the office.
Hu-Dad does most of his busyness from his study, which is great because we are to help him throughout the day with his work. We like to organize his paperwork, participate in his telephone calls, and ensure that he takes the proper number of breaks by letting us in and out (and in and out and in and out and . . .) Throughout the day, we maintain a certain level of professionalism that just leaves him speechless.
Sometimes, Hu-Dad says we help him so much that he can just quit working because nothing else could possibly be accomplished. Is that awesome or what?
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Horrible Hurricane Helene: Why So Bad for WNC?
October 29, 2024
Hurricane Helene was a monster storm, but the way it hit Western North Carolina couldn’t have been much worse.
Just like children……
Mom sez: Yes, I can certainly see how useful the Herd is in the office. About as useful as pockets in underwear!