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A weekend of fun and relaxation in the RV is always great, but there is something special to being back to Sibe Quentin and home.
The trip back from Big Ridge State Park over the mountains was fairly uneventful, but we were still ready to cut loose and have some fun. Even after only a couple of days, we have to reestablish our perimeter to secure our home. And, of course, the Chief of Security is in charge of these operations.
Quick enough, we had secured our perimeter in the way that we canines do and our yard was back under Siberian control. With that, we could relax.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom sez: I’ll just bet that all the “aliens” know when the Herd is away on a camping trip, and invade Sibe Quentin, using it for a “short cut”, or checking out anything the Herd may have left behind. Good for the “Security Patrol”, to get right on top of it!
My pup looks just like Typhoon! What a cutie, thanks for the post!