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During our week of RV camping, what could be a better Film Friday than a video of the dogs on a picket line in the RV campsite?
We often post pictures like the above of all of us hanging out on the picket line, but we know that a video can explain something far better than photographs. We like the set up on a line because we can all hang out in the campsite together. Hu-Dad likes it because he can create enough space between us so that we do not play Siberian games (like we would do that).
No Siberian Games in the campsite is like all of the other camping rules Hu-Dad has – such as no singing in the campsite. Can you imagine?
Anyway, we hope you enjoy the video of us enjoying our favorite campsite set up.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
I LOVED seeing that video! Made me feel like I was there in a way no photograph quite can.
It was interesting how some of them weren’t at all like I imagined (Qannik actually looks a bit intimidating (?!) and QNTE quite friendly) and some were exactly as you described (Typhoon didn’t look at all mischievous… until he moved and then he completely did!).
That was great. so awesome to see them. Camping life is good.
Had to laugh at the last picture of Cheoah! Give my love to the Herd and Herd Annex.
That looks like HBSP. I know the herd loves it.
I am so glad that you post videos. Your dogs are not only gorgeous, but very well behaved.
That was beautiful, I wanted to reach through the screen and love on them!