It’s Good To Be Queen

Miss Natasha has always had a reputation for being a little difficult at times, but we thought we would share some adventures from Saturday to explain why she thinks it is good to be Queen.

Keeping Hu-Dad on his toes all day long.

Keeping Hu-Dad on his toes all day long.

Our day began before sunrise when Hu-Dad loaded us into our limousine (aka, the Jeep) to drive down the mountain to the Festival Grounds. We were loaded into our RV, fed breakfast and napped until the Festival gates were about to open.

We were all hooked onto the picket line in front of the RV to meet and greet all day, with the Queen making the last exit. At nearly 13 years old, she has earned the right to make the grand entrance after every other pup is in place. Except, she wouldn’t exit the RV.

That’s right. She refused. She said she did not want to. She protested loudly. After much persuading, she reluctantly agreed and joined the rest of us on the picket line.

My performance contract is very demanding.

My performance contract is very demanding.

After a few hours of adoring fans, Hu-Dad thought the Queen was tired and tried to guide her back into the RV – her very demand just a short time earlier. Yes, you guessed it, once again she refused. She wanted to stay outside. She protested. And, once again, she got her way.

But by the end of the day, she was exhausted – as were the rest of us. She was ready to go home and demanded it. We loaded back into our limousine, drove back up the mountain, ate dinner, and slept.

And slept and slept and slept.

And slept and slept and slept.

So after a long and trying day, Hu-Dad thought Miss Natasha wanted a quiet and peaceful day around the house on Sunday.

You see this coming, right? She complained loudly that she wanted to go back down for more attention!

It is so good to be Queen – one who can change her mind over and over and all of her subjects just to have to accept it.


  1. Jerry G-Pa Owens on March 1, 2016 at 5:17 pm

    G-Ma and I (G-Pa) so enjoyed getting to meet all of you and your Hu-Dad this past weekend. We are already planing on coming back up next year. My 2, 4 legged girls (Chloe Beagle mix, and Randi Rat Terrier mix) say AAAAAOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

  2. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on March 1, 2016 at 11:05 am

    Mom sez: In our case, it’s “The King”, whose behaviour is comparable to The Queen. Ice will be 14 on June 21st, the Longest Day, and he can be just as ornery as Natasha in his behaviour. He still loves to go for walks, but also loves to go into hiding on the fluffy rug in our ensuite bathroom, right in front of the vanity, where I can fall over him in the middle of the night.

  3. Lizzy on February 29, 2016 at 12:15 pm

    Oh she’s such a diva and rebel. And we absolutely love her for it!

  4. Koda Hazel and Sue VerSchneider on February 29, 2016 at 11:30 am

    All hail the Queen has arrived

  5. Lori on February 29, 2016 at 9:03 am

    Oh it is so good to be Queen!!! Yes I had one of those too… A Queen I mean. And she too got her way and ruled our roost! So I say well done Queen Natasha!!!

  6. Zoe on February 29, 2016 at 7:20 am

    Her Royal Highness looks like she’s lost some weight, has she been feeling well? Not that every woman doesn’t wish to retain her girlish figure…..

    And you know HRH was not being difficult I’m sure it’s a matter of something wasn’t quite right for her royal entrance. I’m sure she’s heard it was Oscar weekend I bet the issue was no red carpet.. I mean how is a queen to make her entrance without a red carpet!!!!

    • The Thundering Herd on February 29, 2016 at 7:43 am

      Excellent point on the red carpet. That absolutely could have been it. And royal music. We needed to announce her entrance.

      And, yes, Natasha has been doing well and holding weight (not to mention, eating well). She says arthritis is no fun and her back legs are not as strong as they used to be, but she still rules the roost, pounces on Qannik, play bows to Typhoon (who is never quite sure what to do with that), and enjoys our walks (though not the long, strenuous hikes of yesteryear).

      • Zoe on February 29, 2016 at 12:40 pm

        I’m so glad she is doing well
        And I would like to point out that Queen Elizabeth claims to be the longest ruling monarch HOWEVER if you calculate and convert by dog years HRH clearly has the title

        all Hail the Queen

  7. Vincent Porrazzo on February 29, 2016 at 3:20 am

    Cute story about Queen Natasha’s reign

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