The Trouble With Brothers

Anyone with siblings – especially multiple siblings, knows the trouble with brothers or sisters. They can be pests.

Why do you think I hang out on the couch all day?

Why do you think I hang out on the couch all day?

Come on, Cheesewhiz, it can’t possibly be that bad. Give us just one example of a brother who causes you grief.

Go away, little brother - trouble with brothers

Go away, little brother.

Fair enough. We are all very familiar with Typhoon and his mischievous ways. Always looking for a good wrestling partner, chasing partner, chewing partner, trouble-making partner . . . We get the idea. But what could be more annoying than a little brother constantly picking at you?

A big brother picking on you.

A big brother picking on you.


  1. Deborah on December 1, 2015 at 11:12 am

    As the middle child and only girl, I feel your pain (literally), Cheoah!

  2. Dr. Liz on December 1, 2015 at 7:15 am

    Oh, Cheesewhiz, I feel your pain. I am convinced the REAL reason my parents shipped my brothers and me off to boarding school had less to do with the fact that in Saudi Arabia expats could only go to school through 9th grade, and more to do with their own sanity. And being clever people, my parents had spaced us kids far enough apart in age that none of us were even at boarding school at the same time. Maybe you could convince the hu-Dad to ship your siblings (or you) off to an extended summer (okay, winter) camp so everyone gets a break. OR…. as my brothers and I learned, all of you gang up on the hu-Dad so he finally throws up his hands in despair and tells you to do whatever you want, and don’t bother him unless someone’s limb has been wrenched from a socket (my Mom read Beowulf to us when we were young – something about ripping off limbs and nailing them to doors has always stuck with me…). *ahem*

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