Changing Weather & Sleepy Positions

Yesterday was one of those typical mountain days – constantly changing weather.  We had strong winds (40 mph) in the morning and calm breezes in the afternoon; driving rain followed by sunny skies; and even a wall of fog at one point. Every hour seemed to bring something different for us so we had constantly changing sleepy positions.

Q-Tip Doughnut

Q-Tip Doughnut

In the height of the strong winds and driving rain, Qannik curled up on the covered porch. In case you are wondering, Hu-Dad offered the great indoors, but Q much prefers being outside. Since his usual position is sitting and soaking up the rain, Hu-Dad considered this an improvement.

Drying out.

Drying out.

When the sun came out late morning, everyone found sunny spots to dry out coats. Frankie says he was in the sun but it moved and he is too lazy to change spots.

Late afternoon snoozervising spot.

Late afternoon snoozervising spot.

As the sun began to set, Frankie moved to his favorite observation post – complete with a Snooter Rest – for perfect rabbit observation.

Waiting on supper

Waiting on supper.

As the day drifted to evening, Cheoah took up her perfect pre-dinner spot – right outside the door so Hu-Dad could trip over her. She finds that quite effective to get dinner moving.

The Queen napping in her favorite spot.

The Queen napping in her favorite spot – under the Hu-Dad’s desk.

Queen Natasha says it is great that all of the youngsters hang outside finding shelter from the weather. She says one of the advantages of age is not to have to make any excuses about enjoying the comfort of indoors.

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