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Yesterday, we posted about Cheoah’s challenge when her brothers decide it is wrestling time. We wanted to be clear that such “invitations” to wrestle do not just happen for Cheoah – it happens to all of us.
Qannik, as seen above, is quite the motor mouth and has much to say about everything that goes on. But when he is talking, he does not always see what is happening around him . . . until it is too late.
That flying gray shadow would be Queen Natasha “inviting” Qannik to a little wrestling match. Let’s just say it was an offer he could not refuse.
And the match is on. Loud. Scrambling. And tall.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom sez: Who’s the “winner” in these Rumbles? Does the Herd back down to Natasha and let her win, in deference to her being “The Queen”, or can she win on her own merits, or do they actually “take her”? It is just SO good to see her this active, after all she’s been through. Sending hugz to the whole Herd, from Ice ‘n Ebby.
Good rumble sweeties???
Somehow, I can see the hu-dad imitating the guy at WWE who says, “Let’s get ready to Rumble!”
2 surgeries in a year and air wrestling. Wow. I guess that could only mean one thing … All Hail the Rumbling Queen.
Yes, we love seeing our Queen wrestle, prance and play bow as if to say, “Surgeries? What surgeries?”
Nice Match!