Cheoah the Instigator

We have shared numerous examples before of Cheoah’s great skills as an instigator. Typhoon is also a master instigator, but he always gets caught because he looks so joyously happy that he has caused trouble. Not guilty – happy. Guilt would imply a shred of remorse.

Cheoah also has no guilt over stirring up trouble, but she has mastered the innocent look while she is creating trouble.

Bored and looking for something fun to do. Instigator

Bored and looking for something fun to do.

The house was quiet, dogs were napping, and Cheoah was looking for entertainment. But how do you stir up excitement and look innocent at the same time? This takes a great deal of skill and patience to be a trouble maker and not get blamed for it.

First, you do something that looks sweet, yet upsets someone at the same time.

First, you do something that looks sweet, yet upsets someone at the same time.

Start slowly and make it look like you are being sweet. Keep quiet and just wait until you get the reaction that you know is coming.

Do I look like a pillow?

She’s touching me. Hu-Dad!

Anyone with siblings in the house knows the “She’s touching me” game. Now for the most important part. Look totally innocent. Sweet, innocent, little ol’ me.

Who, me? I would never cause trouble.

Who, me? I would never cause trouble.


  1. Belinda Hulen on November 2, 2015 at 9:23 am

    This is so our house. The young sneaking up on the older. Thank you for all your daily stories. We so enjoy the photos and videos!

  2. Zoe on November 1, 2015 at 4:36 am

    How is Queen Natasha feeling?

    • The Thundering Herd on November 1, 2015 at 6:05 am

      She continues to feel great and is eating well. We celebrate every day.

  3. Zoe on November 1, 2015 at 4:35 am

    Nooooo not causing trouble she was afraid her sibling would have a bad dream so she was merely trying be there for comfort…. Just in case…. How could you question those motives?
    (So says the woman whose human children played the I’m not touching you, that’s with a finger an inch from the other’s face, for most of an eight hour car ride once. And yes I do know why tigers eat their young)

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