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A normal weekend. While that may sound boring, we think it sounds absolutely perfect. We are particularly thankful for a normal weekend as Natasha has healed from her surgery a few weeks ago.
Jeep rides for the whole family is the center of our perfect weekends. We can head up into the mountains or into town or just on normal errands, but we love the air flowing around us.
And when the Jeep is stopped, we find a nice shady spot and just hang out for a while. As strange as this might sound, we get lots of visitors when we are just hanging out.
While we may not have been in the back country on one of our favorite trails, we still were able to get out for a nice family walk. Yes, the whole recipe for a normal weekend.
Ok, so Typhoon’sĀ definition of normal might be slightly different, but we certainly would not expect anything less.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
She looks pretty happy. Good to see!
Good to hear that Natasha is feeling well enough for the weekend to get back to normal.
Looks like one big happy family. Is the Queen eating normally and digesting properly now?
Yes, appetite is good and she is eating regularly.