Disturbing the Peace

We show many posts where Typhoon has been tethered inside the house (here is the most recent) and we always get questions about what did he do. The charges are always the same. Excessive Speed in the House. General Mayhem. Refusing to Obey the Hu-Dad. And the all-encompassing Disturbing the Peace.

remain innocent

Typhoon trying his absolute hardest to remain innocent.

Typhoon’s attorney at claw always claims entrapment which is basically “The Devil Made Me Do It” defense. Creative, yes, but the Hu-Dad never seems to buy that one.

Cheesewhiz Entrapment

The Cheesewhiz Entrapment.

You may wonder exactly how Typhoon makes the case that Cheoah is entrapping him simply by laying on the couch. Because she is his bestest wrestling buddy, of course, so her simply being inside at the same time is too tempting to ignore.



Like any sibling is supposed to do, Cheesewhiz calls attention to the infraction in the best possible tattletale manner. By screaming like it hurts.



Of course, it doesn’t hurt when they do the same thing eleventy-seven bazillion times a day outside, so the noise is simply to ensure that Typhoon gets caught and tethered.

who me?

Who? Me? Little ol’ innocent me?


  1. Juno's mom on July 9, 2015 at 10:24 pm

    Always young, wild and screamers. Love this breed.

  2. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on July 9, 2015 at 6:42 pm

    Neither Chinook, Kiah, nor Ayla, our three previous Sibes, EVER outgrew puppyhood before the age of SEVEN. Even Ice, our “Seniour Resident Sibe” now, at 13 years old, still has his moments!

  3. vincent porrazzo on July 9, 2015 at 4:51 am

    I have 2 Sibes, a 20 month old female (spayed) and a 3 month old male. The female loves to tease the little guy, poking him with her paw, jumping back and forth in front of him and swatting him with her butt. He reacts with a snarl and a nip quite often. Both seem to be keen to interact with each other (they prowl around looking for each other) , just that it gets a bit too rough at times so that one, or both, howl in pain which disturbs my wife who thinks they are killing each other. I admit it gets too rough at times, so I have to separate them and send them to ‘neutral corners’ for a time-out (the kitchen for the little one and the pool area for the big one.

    Do they ever outgrow such activities or do they stay puppies forever?

    • Sue VerSchneider on July 9, 2015 at 6:32 am

      Our 5 year old Sibe is still all puppy. His play toy or so he thinks is our 14 year old GS/Sibe mix. She loves it though.
      When he gets going with his playing and running like a puppy my husband will say “I thought you were supposed to settle down a little by 5 years old.” Kids will just look at him like “NEVER!!! Gotta go bye” zooming off for more playtime with something a toy or Misha, whatever works for him. But yes Misha lets him know I might be old and arthritic but I still am HDinC around here.

    • KJ Pierson on July 9, 2015 at 10:08 am

      I’ve not seen a husky yet that ever outgrew the puppy phase, and we wouldn’t have it any other way would we? 🙂

    • The Thundering Herd on July 9, 2015 at 8:18 pm

      Queen Natasha the Evil is 12. She wrestles with Qannik every day. Haven’t found that slow down time yet.

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