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Hu-dad’s study is at the front of the house with a view of the driveway and front door, a perfect spot for watching for a delivery.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Ice sez: Good job, Cheoah, you let the hu-Dad know. What a clever girl!
We love our UPS man. He leaves treats for us ever time mom gets a package from qvc….we love our UPS man. We call him the brown santa
hello cheoah its dennis the vizsla dog hay gud job watching for the deliveree!!! altho if yoo sine up to reeseeve tekst alerts frum yoo pee ess then yoo cud just nap and wayt for the fone to wayk yoo up and let yoo no the pakkadj has arrived!!! ha ha ok bye
There you are!! Good morning Cheese, you weren’t in my mail box this morning but I see you were on duty like a good girl. Happy Easter!