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The Old Jeep Wrangler has been our ride for a very long time, but the hu-dad felt that it was time to trade in for a new model. So he bought, of course, a new Jeep Wrangler. At least he is consistent.
Hu-dad has had it for about a week, though half of that time has been at the shop getting it set up for towing behind the RV for more adventures. So for this past week, he has enjoyed that new car smell, something he hasn’t enjoyed in a very long time. Saturday, however, was our time for breaking in the new ride.
Now you may ask why cover the back in rug? Hu-dad says it is easier to pull out an old remnant periodically and replace with a new remnant. For some odd reason, a rug can get really dirty.
Once the rug is installed, then the important safety features are added – a crate and seat belts.
And now for the most important part . . .
By the way, you did notice that it was raining when we took off on our adventure. Guess the hu-dad will not get to experience that new car smell again for a very long time.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Tell the Hu-Dad he can get one of those trees to hang from the rear-view window that will let him get a whiff of the new car smell every once in a while. lol Enjoy the new ride!
Tell the Hu-Dad he can get one of those little trees to hang from the window that will let him get a whiff of the new car smell every once in a while. lol I hope you all enjoy the new ride!
Hmmm, not sure what a vehicle without the the “Eau de Wet Sibe” would smell like! Oh well, it won’t take long to get the new one “Siberized”! One warm, wet afternoon will work wonders. Enjoy the new ride, ALL of you!
As I was reading this, I realized – Wow! I’ve been reading and enjoying the Herd’s antics long enough to remember you breaking in the OLD ride! Love your blog and congratulations on the new ride!
Yea for new Jeep! I love what Furbabys said “Rainy Dog Fur Perfume/Cologne.. The Smell lasts fur ever and ever.” LOL! Typhoon does look impatient. Enjoy your new ride!
Wet dog smell is better than new car smell any day.
Hot Dog! The Herd has a New Ride! and The Hu~Dad gets to have that hard to buy Rainy Dog Fur Perfume/Cologne.. The Smell lasts fur ever and ever.
Merry Christmas To The Herd and Hu~Dad <3
Luv Harley, Molly and Gracie girl
Our hu-dad always sticks with Toyota Land Cruisers. Luckily, when the old one died on the interstate, recently, he didn’t have us with him. He went right out and bought another one, before we had to miss too many rides. He always has most of the seats taken out, for our convenience. With 2 Golden Retrievers, A Husky-Wolf mix, a Shepherd-Pit Bull mix, and 2 (sometimes 3) Maltese, we obviously need a lot of room! He gave up on carpet in the back, and even a custom-made rubber mat, after Daisy ate them! Enjoy your new ride! Beau, Daisy, Okami, Frankie, Cowboy, Cupcake and Lola.