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Sunday on our Facebook Page, we posted a newspaper story about the Siberian Husky Assist Event, “Howling at the Hollow”, which we attended this past weekend. The newspaper story noted that Typhoon had a blue eye and a green eye, though we were quick to note that Typhoon has a blue eye and a brown eye. We were asked if we would show the eyes, so with our eyes on the prize (get it? Oh, never mind), we thought we would dedicate this post to the difference between bi-eyed and parti-eyed thanks to our spokesmodels, Typhoon and Cheoah.
Like all of our pictures, you can click on the picture and see an enlarged version.
Oh, and, yes, there was cheese involved to get these pictures.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
This reminds me of the time (many years ago), that my husband and I volunteered to walk dogs for the local humane society. On one occassion they asked us to take out Harley, a 1-year old bi-eyed husky. Harley seemed a bit unsure, didn’t want to run, walked close to the fence, walked into things, etc.
We finally clued in to the fact that he was blind! We asked to confirm when we brought him back to the shelter, and sure enough, they forgot to tell us! He was blind in his brown eye, and the “blue” eye was actually a cataract, which we hadn’t considered because he was so young.
Happily, he was adopted just a short time later.
They both have gorgeous eyes! I had a parti-eyed Australian Shepherd, and she got her name because she had a “Speck” of blue in one eye. 🙂
“Work it models, work it”. Nice job Spokesmodels! Lol. Thanks for the info.
I love all puppy-dog eyes, but these are particularly beautiful!