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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Ayla sez: Sounds like life is as exciting there as it is around here. Hopefully, with a weekend coming up, SOMETHING will happen, besides my Dad, Ice, blowing coat all up and down the hallway.
As long as we don’t have to hear any thunderous noises, we are OK with it. Maybe somebody ought to flip him over onto his back and see what happens.
Well, you can’t be wrestling on top of the hu-dad ALL the time. And you can only destroy the deck so many times. You’ve got to rest occasionally. Although, honestly, if I were the hu-dad, I’d be a bit nervous. Quiet before the storm and all that. 😉
-Dr. Liz, who is nervous when Abby naps for more than an hour during the day – it means she’s building up energy for some serious crazies
Good thing we were already laying down… otherwise we mighta fell over from the excitement!
Sam and Pippen
Sounds just like our house! Excitement level is right up there with “watching paint dry”, huh?
We are dozing with excitement!
Bart, Ruby and Otto