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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Count me in the chicken group. Great shot!
She’s thinking you are one lucky little bird because if I was not attached to this stupid line I would know for sure.
Remy and Flash
I think she’s trying to decide if BBQ sauce or hollandaise sauce is the way to go!
Krystal the Schneagle and I vote for ‘Tastes like chicken.”
I know what Zimmie would think… but I’m not sure my Dave and I would think the same thing!
PS: Thank you for the warm welcome! And might I add how very handsome all the boy members of the Herd are?!?!
Crispy or grilled??
Here little chick chick…I’m hungry!
Fresh plucked with a biscuit on the side, please!
Ayla sez: Aowoooooo, definitely chicken!