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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Our camping tie outs, while not as cool as your picket line, are also made out of that plastic covered metal stuff. It’s like humans think Sibes can break rope or something!
OMD – we learned that the first time we went camping too. Monty chewed through his line in 3 seconds flat and took off through the forest. Steel cables from then on!
What a good boy Typhoon!
Hey there Typhoon,
Another of your adventures, huh? Something tells us that you don’t usually take your hu-dad’s words of caution. Well, it’s no harm for your to find out about some things for yourself. Do enjoy the rest of your trip.
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie
Did you have fun anyway? 🙂
We give you points for effort. I mean, the Hu-Dad COULD have slipped up – you’ve always got to check! Heehee!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
D’oh! Youth and Guile foiled by Age and Experience! Better luck next time, Typhoon!
LOL Heck it feels so good to be a step ahead every now and again!
Ayla sez: Oh, Ty! Well, hopefully, you remember these things, and by next time you go on a camp-out, you’ll exhibit PERFECT behaviour. (Joke) I think the hu-parents would probably go into shock if that happened!
Sigh. TY! Juno gives you 2 paws up for effort. But then a paw-slap to the side of the head… just because that’s what sibes do when they see something goofy…
Too funny!