Snow Brings Out the Kid in All of Us

QNTE and Kiska in the snow

Enough with pictures of the young pups in the snow.

QNTE Running

Queen Natasha the Evil wants to show that she has snow speed, too.

QNTE Hunts

Not to mention skilled hunting skills for all of those creatures that hide in the snow.

Kiska and Qannik

Kiska and Qannik also have been having fun.

Q running

Though Q-Tip wants to show off his running skills.

Q Stretches

And long strides in the snow.


Just proof that snow brings out the kid in all of us.


  1. Elmo & Mouse on February 22, 2013 at 11:40 am

    Lots of snow. Elmo and Mouse are jealous too! Miss Natasha, Kiska, and Qannik. We were just thinking where are those 3 yesterday. You must have heard us thinking out loud.

    Love your fence.

  2. Kimberly Parker on February 22, 2013 at 9:39 am

    So cute–love all the Herd! We have gotten no snow here this year, so Juneau and Sitka are jealous!

  3. houndstooth on February 22, 2013 at 8:15 am

    It looks like it holds vast appeal for both young and old!

  4. Clive on February 22, 2013 at 8:14 am

    What fabulous snow photos!

    We are so jealous of all that snow!

    take care
    Clive & Murray

  5. Ice 'n Ayla on February 22, 2013 at 4:48 am

    Ayla sez: “Woooo, love running in the snow, tooooooooo! My Dad Ice will be 11 in Joooooon, and I’ll be 8 in Joooooooly, and we love it, toooooooo!”

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