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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Togetherness sometimes offers the comfort and joining of strength the Pack needs when things get rough. Stay united, Herd!
BOL – Monty waits until someone leaves – he loves the warm spot they leave behind!
Sharing can have its rewards…on a cold day! 🙂
You guys in The Herd are so lucky to be allowed on the chesterfields. The only place me ‘n Ice are allowed on is the hu-Mom & Dad’s bed. It’s nice and comfy, and we both like to “cuddle” with the hu-Mom after the hu-Dad leaves for work in the morning, but we have to sleep on the carpet in the livingroom, we’re not allowed on the loveseats. Oh, ‘cept if the hu-Mom is in her recliner, and puts the footrest up, then we jump onto her lap (one at a time) for a bit of cuddling, too!