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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
lookin good Mr Tartok! play bows to you and here’s some purrrs too
Humans have such an unsophisticated sense of humor sometimes. We just shake our heads and roll our eyes. Let it roll, Buddy, you can’t give brains to a scarecrow!
Just play along, Tartok. That’s about all you can really do! For some reason, it amuses the humans!!! BOL
Sadly Tartok, those humans are all over the world. Even down here in Australia.
Uh oh – our Mom is guilty of that!
Thankfully no, and I don’t think a human would embarrass us pups like that. By the way, you have something green on top of your head. ;->
No! That would be wrong.
Now, putting a sticker on a dog’s head and taking a picture is completely different …
Lmao. If looks could kill. Not a happy looking pup. Oh by the way we do lots of things to our pups and take pictures. He he it’s just too fun not to.
What happens if they try to put a pup biscuit on your head?
No, of course we don’t! Nope! Nuh uh!
Oh Dog! What IS that on your head?
Now there’s a look of “Yeah, RIGHT!” if I ever saw one! Poor Tartok, how embarrassing!