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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Rusty, you should put the rest of the Herd on the front of that cannon and let them pull you around while you pretend to be a pirate.
I think you wont be allowed to keep that but you sure look happy!
Stop on by for a visit
Looks like Rusty is still blowing coat…or maybe it’s the lousy resolution on my monitor.
You definitely need one of those, Rusty!
Okay that gives a whole new meaning to souvenir! LOL! Awesome!
Great photos! Did it make it home with you??? 🙂
Sierra Rose
Rusty, what if that thing was a giant water cannon? Oh, the fun to be had! I hope you got that souvenir home safely!
That should serve well to keep the cats away.
Rusty, we KNEW that had to be woo that found this beawooty!
jack & moo
Does it shoot tennis balls?
Oh, yeah! Hey, Rusty! When you’re ready to fire that baby up, give me a call!
Play bows,
Hey! I want one!
MOL that is so funny and I think you would have a hard time getting that through customs.. Te he.. HUgs GJ xx
Rusty, you never cease to amaze us. You ALWAYS come up with the best stuff!