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A Kibble Jar
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Our Hu-Dad shares the latest updates on his writing projects, the books he's reading, and other details in random musings posted on his website. You can check out his novels there as well.
Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
What kind of cider comes from horse apples?
Very common around our house: “Ewwwwwwwwwwwww you’re getting your teeth brushed!”
Mine prefer those made by moose
Stop on by for a visit
Our mom and dad are the same way! Can you believe that?!?! What a bunch of … well… you know.
Play bows,
Don’t feel bad about not getting horse apples…not only can we not have cow pie, but we are not even allowed to sniff it, dig in it, or roll!
Those apples are a big issue around here too! Fortunately, they don’t seem to make the dogs sick but I never let them kiss me after a fresh pile of apples appears on our trails!
There is nothing worse than having a pup burp in your face after having feasted on one of those. We have several horses as well as our boys – it’s a constant challenge!
Hehehehe horse apples make the best treats lol! Luckily mine are around them so much they aren’t too interested in them. They prefer what the cat leaves. Yuck!
Moose droppings to you too!
I. Have nothing to say.
Our dogs love horse apples! I’d much rather they ate those than cat poop, at least they are only digested grass and a bit of grain.:)
Riley says those horse apples look as yummy as the little rabbit “peanuts” she’s been enjoying in the yard over the last few weeks! I guess the rabbit poop looks just like kibble…pretty sure I don’t wanna know how they taste though! Horse apples=BIG kibbles!
Oh my gosh, I would hate to see what Amiee would do with Horse Apples. BOL….The cat poop and stuff is bad enough. We would have to say we would turn around and go back home if we came upon those Apples. 🙂 Sniffs, The HoundDogs
We find those on the beach sometimes! Hey, woo know what else smells incredible? Horsey hoof-prints! Really – give em a sniff soometime!
jack & moo
Apparently your Hu-dad does not know the law of the road. Smelly things are smelly because they need sniffing, and more….
Mogley G. Retriever
We have never tried such delicacies but we are sure our Hu-mom would also deprive us.
Licks & Nibbles,
Kody & Nia
It boggles the mind! How could the Hu-Dad deprive you like that?
Ah! Merde!