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Our weather continues to be unseasonably warm. In fact, we still have not had any measurable snow fall, very late compared to any year we can remember. But the gorgeous weather (well, not gorgeous by Siberian standards, but the humans seem to like it) sure makes for a terrific long weekend. We were running errands and the hu-dad was giving us a water break when Natasha went in to her “I want that right now” stare.
That stare is very hard to ignore and she did not move at all despite the offers of water, the hu-dad getting out his camera, and the hu-dad taking pictures of her. So what had her attention? The easiest way to figure that out is to use her ears to line up the scene.
Can you see it? The object of her focus? Well, let’s zoom in a little and see if we can figure things out.
Somehow, we do not think that Natasha has the “Zim-like” qualities of, well, Zim. But the cat sure seemed to understand that The Herd was safely seat belted into the Jeep.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mine would be pulling a Frankie and be hanging out of the jeep
Stop on by for a visit
Awesome! I use the ears to line up too lol. She has excellent eyesight!!
That was one brave kitty!
Me ‘n Ice have a cat that lives in our neighbourhood, and takes great delight in taunting us by walking along the top of the fence around OUR yard, knowing he’s “just out of reach”. However, one day that cat is going to miscalculate, and that’ll be THAT problem solved!
Cute story & I love the pics!
Sitka’s Mom, Lisa
Oh, wowzers! What a cute kit-cat! Natasha, you wouldn’t REALLY hurt a kitty, would you? Well, yeah, I know – there are those Siberian instincts and all. I missed getting those somehow. I would have LOVED to make friends with that kit-cat!
Play bows,
We have one that teases us by peeking at us from the storm drain that is just outside our border fence.
Nice focus, Natasha.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Natasha and I share yet another pawesome trait 😉
What a great Saturday KHATurday!
Sorry you didn’t get to chase the cat!
The only thing that will break Daisy from that type of stare is another furry animal running past her. LOL
Here kitty kitty kitty!!!!!!
Licks & Nibbles,
Kody & Nia
BOL! Natasha, you have pawsome cat radar! I wonder if kitty-cat knew how close he/she came to being an after-Thanksgiving Day treat?!
Whoa….good thing she was belted in!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Us doggies can see for miles. We have built in binoculars. So much for the humans eyes. <3
I like kittehs. 🙂
Glad you did the close up. I could not for the life of me see what had gotton your attention.
Nice job. It is important that we k-9’s always be aware of our surroundings. You never know.
Ha ha ha! Cat, it’s what’s for Siberian Thanksgiving dinner! Sorry that one got away, Natasha!